How to Wear a Hijab Everyday With Various Types of Latest Veils

Nowadays, hijab modification is becoming a trend among Indonesian Muslims. Various types of veils that hit today also enliven the world of Muslim fashion. Creativity in creating a hijab trend that is now very widely developed in the community that makes how to wear the hijab every day is no longer just based on conventional hijab page that is classic and tends to be outdated.

Wearing a Daily Hijab Is Now Not Just Classic Style

Classic hijab models now no longer dominate the daily Muslim look, especially from the young. Nowadays, the daily hijab style looks more diverse with modifications and hooded creations that are very varied.

Different Ways to Wear the Latest Hijab for Everyday Viewing

1. Triangular hijab is a model of the veil that has never been eroded by the times. Until now, this type of hijab is still a trend. How to wear daily hijab with the latest creations

Of triangular shape veils, one of them is like this one: – Wear a triangular veil with a longer right side.

– Turn the longer end of the hijab towards the upper left over the head and pin the tip with a needle.

– Tidy up the look of the tip of the veil to cover the sides and front of the hijab.

2. Pashmina hijab creations are now a trend among Muslims. This veil is considered easy to form and create. One of them is

The following creation: – Wear a pashmina with a longer left side, then pin this veil on the chin with pins.

– Cross the tip of the hijab on the left side to the upper right and pin the tip behind the head.

– Take the back of the hood and layer the top of the head like a hoodie shape, then tidy up the look of your hijab.

3. How to wear daily hijab with rectangular hijab creations is also liked by many young people. This model veil is considered classic but timeless. This type of hijab is also considered

Easy to create such as the following model: – Fold the veil into a rectangular shape, then wear a veil on the head.

– Take one side of the hood then fold the cross over the chest.

– Tie the back of the hood so that it does not come off with a pin.

– Take the other side of the hood, then stretch from the front to the back twisting until it covers the back, then pin the rest end with a needle and tidy up.

4. Everyday hijab creations with a slick and soft Parisian hijab are also the very trend. This type of rectangular hijab is very easy to create. For example the

Following model: – Fold the veil into a rectangular shape, then wear a veil with the same long side.

– Find and embed the front two sides of the hijab with the help of a pin, then place the result of the embed to the back of the head.

– Tidy up and arrange the shape of the front veil with a brooch.

5. How to wear a hijab every day using a rectangular shape hijab is very easy to modify and create. Like the following

Model: – Take the middle side of the hood and tie it from the chin to the back.

– Turn the tip of the hood from the front to the top covering the head that has been worn by ninja snails, Dan's meat veil with needles so that it does not come off.

– Arrange the rest of the hood to cover the front and tidy up.
